Kerala krush


A slender plant of medium height, Kerala Krush has narrow leaflets and lonf petioles. indoors, best results are attained through pruning once or twice before flowering. Bending the lateral branches to 45 degrees reduces stretching by allowing light to distribute evenly throughout all the budding sites. Individual bracts are large and very resinous when left to mature fully. Buds form into long slender sativa-type flowers. Toward the end of the flowering cycle, the buds swell and become heavy and dense – the slight indica influence of Skunk #1. maturation times indoors are between 9 and 11 weeks with a 12/12 photoperiod.

Outdoors at 45 degrees latitude Kerala Krush matures in the first half of November, earlier if closer to the equator. A full May-November season outdoors produces plant over 3 meters (9 feet) tall when left unpruned. A good climate gives yields in excess of 500 grams per plant. The buds keep their weight and structure well when carefully dried and cured.

Kerala Krush has an extremely clear, cerebral high – potent and smooth from start to finish. her palate mixes cool fruit and warm spice. Medicinally sativa strain may be appropriate for appetite stimulation, menstrual cramps and controlling chemotherapy nausea.

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